…at the end of the tunnel?

No, not quite.  The end of the tunnel is nearing, but not attained.  Yet.  I have achieved a milestone, though, and it’s exciting for me.

For the first time in I believe 18 years I am under 220 lbs.  219.2, to be exact, as of this morning.  Yes, it feels good.  I’ve been hovering in the low to mid 220s for weeks.

I give a lot of credit to drinking a lot of water (and peeing it out).  It seems my better weight loss days coincide with drinking lots of water.  Even though I am a soda fiend, sometimes I just want ice cold water.

On the plus side I can see my legs getting skinnier.  On the negative side I feel like I’m not losing much of my gut.  I’m still needing larger sized shirts so they don’t look all stretched out and when I see photos of myself I still think I look fat.

The numbers, though, are encouraging, so we’ll go with that.  🙂

2 thoughts on “…at the end of the tunnel?”

  1. Awesome feat
    Keep pushing, after all it took sometime to get where you were and it will take some time to get where you want to go!! Rooting for you along the way ❤️

  2. This IS exciting news. You keep at it as well as your other half and we might not recognize you. Happy days!

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