Almost three weeks have passed since my last post. Time flies when you’re having fun, so the saying goes. It should be noted that things are beginning to wind down and normalize, so my posts will be a little less frequent from here on out, but they’ll still come. I’m also working on a way to contact me with comments and/or questions, and should have that in place within the next day or two.
We have a few different things going on here, so I’ll do this as kind of a combo post and provide some updates.
I’m in my third week back to work. The first day I was extremely sleepy, but the adjustment was very minor. It was almost like I’d never left. I sit at a desk all day, so physical requirements were minimal.
My cardio rehab is going very well. I almost feel like the rehab people have become friends. A couple in particular I feel like I have established a true bond with. That’s a good thing. I keep increasing my efforts each week, and have been able to keep up nicely.
Medications & Weight Gain:
About three weeks ago I started gaining weight rapidly. Three or so pounds every couple days. The rehab people were concerned and asked me a lot of questions… that I really didn’t know how to answer… but they called my cardiologist and gave them a head’s up for my upcoming check-up appointment. My cardiologist confirmed that I was indeed retaining water. I had ended my water pill a month earlier, so he had me start it up again. This made a huge difference almost immediately. I’m now back down to where I was before, my “normal” weight, and I’m not as achy in all my joints. I can move around again. A minor detour on my road to recovery.
And that’s it for today. Just wanted to get a quickie update in. We’ll talk in a few days. Thanksgiving is coming up, and I’ve been learning a lot about eating and cooking a lower sodium diet… (It’s not as bad as you’d think)… and I think that’ll be my next topic.